18 years ago we started our commitment to the end-of-life options for plastic pouches.
We launched our SECAMP logo and printed it on as many pouches as possible. It is an updated acronym for:
S / Sustainable
E / Environmental
C / Collection for incineration
A / Alternative energy
M / Machinery
P / Pouches
We explain that mixed plastics can be mechanically cut into small pieces, heated and chemically transformed and converted into energy, waste metals and slag. (Slag an important material as a road-building base). Thus a zero Carbon Dioxide footprint product!
Florida Power and Light (FPL) has done an exceptional job in building incinerators for energy recovery from garbage including plastics that can't be recycled like pouches.
Energy recovery through incineration is the practice of recovering the embedded energy in used materials and preventing them from going to landfills.
This incineration process provides a valuable alternative energy source, reducing our dependence exclusively on natural gas, solar, coal and expensive oil.
In the future, recycling centers are going to need Material Recovery Facilities to ensure management of the incineration of all waste materials and recycling of those that can maintain the integrity of the recycle process.
Please do your share. Place pouches into your garbage in states where incinerators are used.