We are just back from our sales meeting and have come to realize that all of our staff must understand what the company stands for and how they are expected to help reach our mission.
Many hours have been spent thinking and talking about our mission statement. We hope that the staff now understands what the company plans are.
The Mission statement is critical to the organization and must reflect the CEO's vision of what has to be done.
Our Company Culture is based on:
“The PPi Technologies GROUP of three divisions offers the best StandUp pouch machines in the world, along with trays, stickpaqs, vialpaqs and end of line systems including checkweighers and X-Ray machinery from the PGS machine companies. The Redi-2-DrinQ Group distributes liquor in pouches and Penta5 USA leads the wellness product revolution with its no-bite range of MosquitoPaQ products, hydrogen infused water, and Canadian hemp seed omega 3.6.9 foods. PPi Technologies GROUP has reinvented the StandUp pouch industry with its revolutionary high speed form-fill-seal and premade pouch machines. It is defining the future of home food and liquor on-line deliveries using pouches and trays, as well as replacing harmful chemical items in the household, beauty care and pharma industry segments, by offering an all-natural wellness alternative products solution."
The company culture definition helps to ensure that the mission statement works. This means everyone must have a clear vision of what they need to accomplish.
The Mission Statement is:
The mission statement can be broken down into “PPi Technologies GROUP offers high speed performance machinery, liquor distribution in pouches, and all natural wellness lifestyle products.”
The culture of the company and message to customers and the world is, “best pouch machinery available with lowest cost packaging, liquor distribution that is environmentally friendly, and wellness products that help extend human life”.
Our culture and mission in life is to offer the best packaging machinery, environmentally friendly liquor , and wellness all natural products. Not only is that clear and inspirational, it gives everyone plenty of scope for the business to aim at over the next several years.