Monday, July 20, 2009

The Future....

Running three different businesses in today's economic conditions is a challenge. However, because our entire product portfolio is very strong and our customers are brand loyal, we are seeing growth.

Recall that we have said all year that we are planning to come out of this economic downtown stronger than ever and with improved capabilities to serve our customers. It is working!

ShotPak® has taken a leadership position in the ready-to-drink cocktails segment in 11 states. USA case sales in 2009 are ahead compared to 2008.

Our PGS pouch machinery group expanded into the detergent market with high-speed, eco-friendly systems.

Our pouch supply group, FlexSource™ USA, has launched the BarrelPaQ™ a green, low carbon dioxide footprint pouch for wine in several overseas markets and this will be available in the USA later this year.

Taking care of our customers is critical to our success. Using the internet to communicate news, show new product details and benefits has proved to be popular. Viral marketing at its best.

The events section of is a most popular spot and the three guys feeding it, Pfunk Ramirez, Noel G and Vinnie Pryme are capturing the spirit of the streets. ShotPak® is all over the place.

So looking into the future, we continue to see bigger, greater results all round.

BPG ShotPak® will launch by year end another eight products ranging from Mojito to Absinthe in their patented, one-of-a-kind 1.7 ounce pouch.

PGS machinery will introduce systems for packing new organic baby foods in a pouch with reclosable zipper to energy drinks in a StandUp pouch with spout fitment.

FlexSource™ USA will introduce their patented double gusset pouch for wine, paint, home chemicals, food service products and water.

Exciting, new, leading edge stuff that makes people comfortable and want to buy or be part of. Think positive, be positive and grow, grow!

Shot Spirits Corporation's investment in BPG is a winner and the future is bright once you analyze the news and the future in this blog.

R. Charles Murray

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