Friday, April 27, 2012

Behavior and Your Health

More and more people are looking at their bodies, their lifestyle, their eating and their health habits. The Obama health care plan with many future restrictions on easy access to medical assistance has made many of us aware that we are going to have to depend less on Doctors as we grow old.

However, in this technological world, key health care metrics can now be monitored daily with the help of Technology.

Those of us who are over 30 should be aiming at getting into shape and using our 25 to 30 years of age profile as the target.

The technology people have made available for home use several methods to daily track your statistics:

  • Body weight / try as your goal to get back to the weight you were at twenty-five
  • Blood pressure / check with your Doctor but 120 over 80 seems to be the norm
  • Mood metrics / uses a scale of 0 to 4 to score optimism level; agitation level; energy level
  • Physical activity / using a sensor enabled Body Media band tracks your steps over the day. Your aim should be 10,000 minimum

Food log app records the calories and nutrition in what you eat. Don't exceed the 2000 level. Number of cigarettes smoked etc.

Zeo Sleep Manager has an embedded sensor that you wear as a headband which records your REM and deep sleep times.

Now with all this information you can see where you are heading in regards to expected life span. It takes some serious money to do this and get all the results to your Smart phone, but the results could help improve your quality of life.

The point being that just training, running, lifting weights without a goal might not be enough. According to various food magazines our food today is so different and technically unhealthy compared to 50 years ago that it is essential that you monitor eating habits. So get a set of health goals and enjoy yourself.

As regards the technology out there look at '' it tracks calories, steps walked and sleep hours.

'Body Media' worn around the arm for 24 hours a day tracks 5000 data points per minute.

'Withings scale' tracks weight, BMI and lean and fat mass and sends it to your phone.

With all of the above on your mind, settle down and select your favorite pouch of Redi-2-DrinQ ShotPak® cocktail add soda water over ice and enjoy a Spritzer cocktail.

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