Monday, August 15, 2016

Boat and Tree People

Many people are amazed at some of the latest political swings overseas. However, Charles Gave, Chairman of Gavekal Research wrote about the age old battle between tree people and boat people.

Boat people after years of ascendency traditionally called broad minded and well travelled are in retreat.

Tree people known as stay at home and internally focused are rejecting global integration and surprise surprise, they want change. The Tree people are clawing back power.

Think Brexit, the new right in Europe and changes in South Africa.

The same change can be said for packaging. Can sales are down, StandUp pouch sales are growing every month and the millennials are demanding more environmentally friendly packaging.

We at PPi Technologies Group (logo name for all the companies) are looking more and more at making the pouch the product!

Our machine engineers are designing machines that can handle single film extrusions. We are offering more pouches with double compartments to Heat and Eat. Spouts abound and single serve thermoforms of all shapes are growing.

These changes are probably a warning to the established packaging suppliers: change and provide what the customer wants or lose.

The pendulum is swinging back to meeting what the market wants and not what the manufacturers want!


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