Monday, June 3, 2019

Think about the African proverb, “If you want to run fast, run alone. If you want to run far, run together.” 

Now relate this very old saying to how we run our company in today’s busy world. 

Think about how we mix daily with others via phone, postal mail, email and all types of social media. These relationships are what help us move ahead. 

In earlier times, we believed we could win the race alone. 

I regret this is no longer possible, and no matter who we are, or what we do, we are dependent on the talent, time, wisdom, care, love, encouragement and perspective of others to succeed. 

The business schools today are dropping the MBA degree in favor of others that require more input from team leaders. No longer can one person send the company message. In order to thrive and be the best version of ourselves, we need others to share the journey. 

To get the company message out about our success and our products, we need the partnership and talent of others to enrich the journey. 

Who you choose to run with determines what will be achieved and the quality of the message. It is very important to run with the right people.

The last 23 years has taught us how to run this race. Time has showed us who to partner with. We have created long-lasting partnerships built on the principle that we’re better together. We have been very deliberate about who we run with. We have developed a list of what we affectionately call the Friends of PPiTG, our partners.

The pouch machinery business has changed over the years and we faced larger and more complex challenges. We sought to build capability in all things digital, latest technology with all staff using an iPhone, e-commerce participation with our Amazon web site for the consumables group, making products on our machines, and introducing outstanding machinery videos to emphasize our leadership. 

We decided rather than build these practices from the ground up, that we partner with proven teams to deliver this expertise. 

Our digital message is designed to help our three companies run farther, smarter and faster together. 

Using all the available expertise, it is amazing the experience and impact we are able to deliver. With the help of our partners, we create greater impact than we ever could have accomplished alone. 

As the CEO, I am continuously looking to see if the right people are in the race with me that share similar values. It is important for me to know that they complement, challenge and inspire each other.

At the end of the day I am always thinking. In the future, will the people in this race run as a team and help solve our biggest challenges—bring lots of expertise, inspiration, and a little laughter to get us where we need to go?

It you want to run far, run together!

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