Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Work from Home or Not?

As we recover from the pandemic it is recognized that the decision to work from home was correct. 

However, companies are finding that they missed the creativity and innovation lost in the process.  We are always looking for new ideas. We now realize that keeping the many brains in a company apart is not the way to go.


Steve Job’s, Apple CEO, clearly stated that nothing clever or unique can be developed by email or iChat.  Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings and discussions.  If we lose the face-to-face interaction, we also lose the creativity.  Think why at PPiTG, we have free coffee breaks. Folks can interact with each other that might not see one another during the day.


Nothing beats eye to eye contact.  Togetherness is in our deepest nature as we get the sense of excitement and enthusiasm from others.


So, it is my belief that meeting, talking with, and being a member of a team, all help us reach a joint solution.  Satisfaction comes from being with others.

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