Friday, May 10, 2013

Florida and Growth Opportunities!

Every day I go to work in Sarasota, Florida I congratulate myself on how lucky I have been to find this little piece of paradise.

The latest government census [2012] reported that the Florida population is now 19.5 million. What is startling is they predict a quarter of a million population growth per year for the next decade and beyond. We are lucky our state has natural growth, which means more births than deaths. Even more significant is that by 2014 Florida will become the 3rd most populous state replacing New York. In 1980 we had just 10 million people.

PPi Technologies GROUP, the largest StandUp pouch machinery supplier in the USA and with the billion pouch capacity Redi-2-DrinQ™ contract packing facility just being completed is ready for any future expansion in the state. Florida has three growth market opportunities in the well proven tourist industry, the new technology corridor being expanded from coast to coast [which we are part of] and the fast developing food industry, making the state a potential bread basket for the rest of the country and export markets [where we plan to enter as a pouch contract packer].

With all of this population growth the question of the environment comes up and we are extremely proud that the pouch is a zero carbon dioxide package when incinerated and fits well into the Florida Power and Light (FPL) plan with more than a dozen incinerators around the state producing energy, metal for housing and slag for building our roads. FPL is a leader in this regard. Thus the pouch package will leave nothing behind for our grandchildren to find and wonder what to do with!

With the forecasted strong population growth, and a positive environmental Deep Green garbage policy, you can see why I am thankful every day for choosing this state. It is also worth noting the forward-thinking friendly-to-business state regulations, which are also emulated locally in the support from Sarasota EDC and City management. All geared to encouraging small companies to grow!