Saturday, December 2, 2017

What’s Next?

As another year winds down many folks ask “That was a fast one… where did the time go?” or “Maybe I should think about improving my career.”  As you ponder both questions, it’s important to ask yourself, “What could I have done better?”

Some experts suggest starting with a list of things you will NEVER do. This will remind you of your core values and what’s important to you.

Another task is to try to surround yourself with likeminded people who will support you and your ideas.  It’s important to remain positive in the workplace and be supportive of your coworkers.

Be resilient - believe that that you can make it and stay the mile during hard times.  It’s import to remember that all great things take time.

A great part of job success is happiness and any problem is merely an opportunity to resolve and get ahead.

In today’s world, the pressures are many, so you have to be mindful to care for yourself physically and mentally.  As you make your resolutions for the upcoming year, consider the gym, walking, running, or dancing.  It’s crucial to do something that gives you time away from job and home, so you have a perspective to remain calm, clear and in charge.

Once you have your “what’s next” solution - start doing it and satisfy your unrest.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Be a creative leader every day...

As we wake up in the morning, all of us are met by emails and other demands for our attention. This continues all day until you put the phone down, or computer on standby, just before going to bed. You then realize that another day has passed. What did you achieve today?

It's impossible with the phone, email, texts, messages, snail mail not being aware of who you are, to know what's going on around you, and how to spend your limited awake time in the most productive way possible. You are being pulled in every direction.

Our brain stops thinking when we are doing something familiar by letting our subconscious takeover. If we have done a job before we can function perfectly well doing what we have always done.

We all need this subconscious memory otherwise we would be exhausted.

However, to be a creative leader you need to recognize that every opportunity is unique to that moment and to not merely look at what worked last time. You have to be able to think out of the box and really see things as they are. To make your time count you must make sure your unique talents are best used to create the work of legends; stuff that really creates an impact rather than just fills up your schedule.

Some experts suggest you stand up or go walk every hour to get your blood pumping and more oxygen into your brain. This will help assure that you are ready for the next decision you make.

Sensitivity, awareness and consciousness are what sets the best leaders apart from the average. When you can really answer each question you know you are adding great value to your success.

What is certain is that you have to somehow smile, laugh, love and make every day count.

My day starts early, without looking at the phone. I love to walk the beach and think what example I can give my kids and grandkids to make their lives more fun. I try to do at least one thing each day I have never done before. Finally I have found that it's important that you donate or do charity work for the love of it and not for the money, but for peace of mind. Enjoy tomorrow and be creative.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The next big thing!!

Everything we touch, discuss or read about today has some sort of innovation.

Here are some examples. Chobani yogurt has no chemicals. It turned a stale old fashioned sugar and chemical ladened food market segment upside down. Today they are a market leader.

Whole Foods with organic and natural foods from source to sale opened a new food segment and supply chain. Amazon just acquired them.

HTWO™ Beverages with hydrogen infused water opened a new segment in the busy water market. They not only introduced hydrogen water, but also new packaging.

MosquitoPaQ™ LLC launched all natural ANYTIME® no-bite mosquito lotion with sunscreen repellant. This 2-in-1 combination has no DEET and is suitable for the whole family, including pets. They quickly followed this up with outdoor ZONE no-bite spatial that protects your home and garden from mosquitoes, which once exposed to the product no longer seek a blood meal. Both packages won international awards in their first year.

So today if you want to survive, you have to be discovering, testing, fast tracking your results and getting product out there to continue the cycle of innovation.

It was all email, then texting and now Instagram what's next?

ABC introduced Daily's Redi-2-DrinQ™ cocktails in a tall shaped environmentally friendly pouch. They were purchased recently.

If you remain tied to the old legacy technology you will not survive. Today it is all about following consumer attention.

Basically people want change and convenience. They love to discuss and utilize these new and innovative products.

So look for the next big thing and please let me know!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Workplace Culture

Workplace culture is very important.  After all, the main part of our day is spent at work, interacting with customers and most importantly – coworkers.   How the staff interacts with each other and customers can greatly affect the success of an organization.

Be Positive!  A positive attitude is essential in being successful in any aspect of our lives.  Discussing the company and products in an enthusiastic manner sends the correct message and sets the standard for success.

Walk the Talk!  To say it simply – lead by example. Example from top management is how workplace culture is set.  On a daily basis, managers should check in with their staff to see if the job activities are under control.  Don’t micromanage your team; just ensure they have the information and tools needed to complete the tasks.  Reward your employees for a job well done. Even a small token of appreciation  (i.e. take an extra 15 minutes of lunch, leave 30 minutes early on Friday, etc.) builds a positive workplace culture.  A good manager can utilize the core values of their staff to connect the team.  Recognizing staff members for a job well done not only shows appreciation, but also ensures they strive to perform better in the future.

Communicate!  It’s not only important to lead but to listen.  Each employee plays a part in the success of the company and they may see ways to improve productivity with minor changes.  Ask employees to tell you about opportunities to improve the operation; which allows them to take ownership of workplace culture.

In conclusion, to have a successful workplace culture, it’s important to set the foundation – Positivity, Presence, and Communication!  Set the example for others to become purpose driven and share common values to ensure the work place culture develops.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Zika is coming back and the weather is not helping…

Big concern is the recent article about transmission of the Zika virus in Florida since June of last year. Zika has been shown to cause birth defects in women who become infected while pregnant.

Zika’s arrival in Florida last Summer followed the rapid spread of the mosquito-borne virus through Latin America and the Caribbean.

The World Health Organization (WHO) last year declared Zika a global health emergency because of its link in Brazil with thousands cases of the birth defect microcephaly, which is marked by small head size and underdeveloped brains that can result in severe developmental problems.

A recent CDC study estimates that Zika infections cause a 20 fold spike in the risk of certain birth defects, including microcephaly.

Some Health Tips: Avoid the beach at twilight, dawn, and dusk. Pack a cover-up and wear it. Request a room on your hotel’s higher floors. And do not forget your bug spray preferably Organic and nontoxic ones.

Talk about coincidence, about 18 months ago our wellness division employed Dr. John Harlan and started looking at solutions that would be a long-term approach to stop the female mosquito from biting. Last August during the height of the Zika virus panic Penta5 USA  succeeded in developing a new class of products that can halt a Mosquito’s appetite for human Blood. This is an American first.

Penta5’s products are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Marketed under the brand names ANYTIME™ no-bite and no-bite/no-burn topical lotions and outdoor “Zone Spatial Attractants.”

The latter take the form of patented two compartment pouch that is filled with dry and liquid patented compounds, which when combined and shaken produce a gas emission that attracts mosquitoes. I describe it as the opened pouch is “actually the product”.

The emission confounds the mosquito’s appetite for a protein “blood meal” and in so doing ensures a zone of up to 30,000 sq ft for up to 15 days. Think that this spatial aroma does not harm anything exposed to it. No harmful chemicals left in the ground for water floods to carry them into our waste water and underground systems. No harm to bees or butterflies, an all-natural toxin fee no DEET solution. Pregnant woman and pets are safe.

Continual use maintains a secure no-Bite Zone. No less effective, the Anytime™ no-bite lotion permits users to work and play in areas outside the zone infested by “blood meal” seeking mosquitoes without the fear of being bitten.

Outdoor  Zone spatial attractants have been shown to effectively reduce mosquito populations and therefor reduce the risk of dangerous bites. Also, that only the female mosquitoes seek ‘blood meals,’ meaning the iron and proteins of which are used to form eggs.

Zone no-bite spatial 15 day emission confounds the female mosquito who is attracted to the aroma and causing her to seek nectar as a replacement meal. Penta5’s Anytime™ lotion allows people to move outside of the Zone, remain bite-free and significantly, all their products poses no threat to children, pets or wildlife.”

Under test in both laboratory and outdoor conditions for the past year the release of MosquitoPaQ™ range of indoor and outdoor no-bite products just now as the Zika virus breaks out over South Florida is an important safety issue for the population and the commercial interest of the State of Florida.
The purpose of the blog is to show American ingenuity and the need to help human and animals whilst protecting the environment, has been met by our Penta5usa wellness division folks. An accolade to Dr. John and team.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Millennials and wellness foods and fitness

All major consumer companies are struggling to understand Millennials' brand loyalty and lack thereof. This has always been a headache for companies trying to connect and find out Millennials' preferences and needs.

The use of digital media, such as music and messaging apps, is widely adopted across the board. Millennials stand out when it comes to the number of different apps they use for the same purpose. Music companies know Millennials use at least two apps for listening to or streaming music.

Millennials are also known for wellness products and fitness. Most use Fitbit to tracks steps and MyFitnessPal to track nutrition. MyFitnessPal is the world leader in tracking nutrition.
Millennials want to participate through a multi-app experience while older generations can stick with a single app for their entire experience. The point here is to offer them the best experience.

For wellness companies it means a range of products meeting several needs have to be offered. Listening and watching trends has led BevPaQ™ LLC to launch HTWO™ water for endurance which provides antioxidants in the fitness area. For healthy eating and snacking they offer all natural Nutracis™ range of Canadian hemp seeds, powder and oils that feed the body lots of Omega 3,6 and 9. These two products aim to be the leaders in this market of wellness and fitness.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Benefits of Drinking Hydrogen Infused Water

Hydrogen infused water contains hydrogen molecules that act as powerful antioxidants, helps reduce lactic acid and boosts endurance.

HTWO™ HYDROGEN WATER™ is based on peer-reviewed science.

HTWO is an emerging functional beverage that utilizes molecules of hydrogen as a gaseous nutrient to provide a spectrum of health benefits –boosts metabolism, relieves inflammation, improves fatigue, reduces lactic acid.

Dr. Cody Cook, the scientist behind HTWO became aware of the cutting edge medical science while doing research on cellular metabolism of cancer.  The director of his lab, Dr. Masahiro Higuchi, was working in collaboration with scientists at Japanese Universities on medical gasses.  Dr. Cook, whose expertise on biochemistry and molecular biology, was able to use new technology to delve down into the mitochondria to observe the intra-cellular function of hydrogen something never before accomplished.

Since those early days, the body of research regarding hydrogen gas has grown to hundreds of peer reviewed publication.   Clinical trials and laboratory studies have shown that hydrogen molecules enter the blood stream where they reach every tissue and all cells within the body, and even penetrate intracellular into the mitochondria that help protect against diseases and disorders, inflammation, tiredness and aging.

Tremendous amount of work has indicated that strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and diabetes potentially could be addressed with hydrogen gas. For example, hydrogen gas has been shown to help control energy metabolism, body fat, weight, and other metabolic parameters (cholesterol, glucose tolerance, and insulin resistance) in animal models of metabolic syndrome and diabetes (type 1 and 2).

Additional research with animal models has indicated hydrogen gas could potentially address the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments as well as the initiation and development of Parkinson’s disease and dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease.
What’s up ahead is exciting to say the least.

Hot off the press is research on using hydrogen gas as a preservation solution to reduce damage in organ transplants; some medical scientists are looking at hydrogen loaded eye drops to help preserve eye sight; and evidence indicates molecular hydrogen may protect against hearing loss.  These foregoing indications are only a snapshot of the potential benefits of hydrogen gas, which may have a significant impact on a wide spectrum of acute and chronic diseases and disorders.
As the spectrum of benefit of human health and wellness were becoming better understood, leaders of the field had no idea what form the product would take: an inhalable gas, intravenous solution, pill. Immediately the race was on to develop a delivery system to bring molecular hydrogen inside the body where it could be taken up by metabolic processes.

Dr. Cook and scientists in other countries hit upon the idea of developing beverages saturated with hydrogen gas as a safe and convenient means to deliver the molecule into the body.  Hydrogen Water is the new functional beverage and HTWO is the result of Dr. Cook’s improvement upon the science.

HTWO has remained on the cutting edge developing and utilizing new technologies to improve delivery of molecular hydrogen to consumers.

It was an odd notion… using H2O to deliver molecular hydrogen, also known as hydrogen gas… doesn’t water already have hydrogen atoms? As it happens, water also contains oxygen atoms. And much like the body relies upon oxygen gas for its metabolism, the body also benefits from breathing hydrogen gas.

Once they settled on the beverage form of the product, then came the challenges to create a package or vessel to keep the hydrogen from escaping.  Ordinary bottles and cans would not do.   The gas escapes in short order.  After months of development, trial, and error, the HTWO Pouch was created which proved effective at holding concentration of hydrogen at the recommended dosage or portion of 500mL.

Just as importantly, despite worries about market reaction, consumers have responded favorably to the unique box-shaped pouch. In fact the team has discovered that customers prefer the distinctive HTWO Pouch over traditional plastic bottles or cans!

Filling the HTWO Pouch on a commercial scale would require the expertise of someone with intimate knowledge of the mechanical filling process. Enter Charles Murray, CEO of PPI Technologies who has worked closely with Dr. Cook and his team to get HTWO to market.

Early in the project, the vision of the product was solely with pharmaceutical applications, but this began to change after a chance encounter with Olympic Gold Medalist, Mike Conley Sr.  Conley saw right away that the metabolic benefits offered by the product would have important applications for high performance athletics… and even more importantly, for everyday consumers. Dr. Cook and Conley Sr. formed a partnership to develop and promote products based on the use of molecular hydrogen.

Through feedback, the team has learned that some of their consumers see immediate benefit from HTWO, especially reduction of lactic acid build up during heavy exercise.  Marathon runners report reduction in muscle fatigue after drinking water before, during and after the race. Others experience more subtle benefits over time such as decreased soreness and less inflammation. Still others don’t notice dramatic benefits from the beverage, but they enjoy the distinctive taste as well as the unique drinking experience of the HTWO Pouch.

Customer engagement and interaction is the primary marketing tool used by the company.  With a strong emphasis on meeting customers where they are, the HTWO team members travel extensively to marathons and other athletic events, where they offer samples of the water supplements while hearing about the needs and challenges of the athletes. Here the challenge the team faces is understanding how to focus communication about the product which has a wide spectrum of benefits as they look to a wider audience.

Social media is another vital marketing tool for HTWO.  The strength here has been the resounding endorsements from an army of loyal followers.  In fact, word-of-mouth advertising has proved an invaluable asset to the company as it has emerged from being a local company to one with a regional presence.  Dedicated fans of HTWO have propelled the product from a few, remote, ‘mom & pop’ stores to a significant presence in Kroger® and other retail chains.

The word-of-mouth dynamic was also responsible for bringing one of the company’s most important marketing assets… Mike Conley Jr (NBA® star for the Memphis Grizzlies®), an HTWO consumer who first learned about the product from his dad. Shortly after Mike Conley Jr. began drinking HTWO, he discovered the daily grind from training and game days was more manageable.  He also became convinced that the product was helping him to recover from injuries faster, such as sprains and broken bones. Mike Conley Jr. is an important spokesperson for HTWO who sees his participation in the company as a platform to promote health and wellness, especially in youth sports and his local community.

Return to Form™ with HTWO™. The Hydrogen Water™ for everybody, whether you’re a high performance athlete or a weekend warrior, a parent looking for energy to get through the day and keep up with the kids, or an individual in need of the specific health benefits provided by hydrogen gas.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively: Drink Hydrogenated Water

Paul Ebeling, Editor