Monday, April 1, 2019

Can’t Feel the effects of CBD

Today nearly everybody you speak with has a story about CBD.

What is it?  How good is it?

Now with the “farm bill” recently passed comes the news about CBD from Hemp.

Cannabidiol CBD is found in both cannabis and hemp. The major difference is the amount of THC. Cannabis CBD oil has up to 15% (some reports are up to 30%) and hemp CBD oil cannot be sold with THC above 0.3%.

The Hemp CBD low THC is best used for fighting inflammation.

There are few articles that tell you how much is safe to use and how often. Getting your dose right is essential. There are no clear guidelines on dosage.

CBD, as with any other medication, vitamin or supplement, makes contact with the body through the tongue and then through to tissues of the digestive tract, with further chemical breakdown in the stomach and absorption in the intestines. Remember CBD is highly lipophilic-meaning that it dissolves in fatty tissues. This means CBD could be trapped in certain parts of the body, which delays absorption. Start with a low dose first thing in the morning, keeping all of these considerations in mind. Swirl in your mouth, slowly increase dose based on your dispensary suggestions. For CBD in food, check with the manufacturer for their recommendations.