Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Take Breaks To Increase Tenacity, Like We Do

We recently have launched our 10acity™ anti-oxidant hydrogen infused 2.5ppm water. Before making 10acity™, we conducted several plant and water tests to ensure the best, cleanest spring water is used. It is not an energy drink, but provides tenacity for the body to finish whatever you start. Have you noticed it takes longer in the afternoon to finish something than if you started in the morning? This is the sign of changing energy levels from a high at 8am, to lower at 2pm.


Studies have found that walking for 3 minutes (around our golf course) or climbing our stairs several times, raises energy levels. More energy translates into improved work. So it is very important to take the three breaks we allow at PPiTG for morning and afternoon beverage break, and lunch break.


The same report said people were happiest when allowed to exercise (please use the exercise room), socialize (we have the Bistro, lunchroom, golf course tables) and look at web information like story of the day, best place to eat, or friends activities. Other suggestions are to study something new, read something spiritual, face time with family, or listen to music, (each of you have a company cell phone) etc. Choose something or do anything that connects you to something larger than yourself, or what you aspire, or want to do.


The 3 breaks are physical, social, and outside the job realm. 

Pick breaks from each category that appeal to you and then, before each day, look at your schedule and figure out when you can plan them in. It is essential to have these breaks. 

Finally, the breaks can be short. Break lengths of 1, 5 and 9 minutes are good. Hopefully these breaks make you feel better with more tenacity to finish the day.

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Elderly of Today are Not the Seniors of Yesteryear

The elderly of today are not the seniors of yesteryear, it is important for them to take good care of themselves as they grow older.

Researchers today have found older adults 70, and above 85, enjoying more healthy years and are more physically fit later in life. Our 10acity™ antioxidant hydrogen infused water is suggested for all seniors who want to have the tenacity to see the day through without struggling. Scientific evidence shows daily consumption is good for the body and allows for more exercise without feeling overly tired.


Think about it, many of today's seniors are also enjoying even better mental health than 75 and 85-year-olds from a dozen years ago. The iPhone and other smart phones have helped generate interest in electronics. Cars and televisions have more electronics today than in the past, and they require some skill to use.


There have been many favorable changes over the past 30 years. Changes include better nutrition diets and the consumption of healthy snacks that provide the correct omega 6 and 3 ratios for the body. Omega 6 and 3 can be obtained easily from Nutracis™ hulled hemp seeds that help the mitochondria work correctly, often referred to as the engine driving the body. Many are warned about increased sugar consumption and they can now select from the new Stevia sugar alternatives, like 4Zeros™ to satisfy sugar taste needs, without the health problems.


With COVID-19 targeting seniors, hygiene has become very important. Frequent hand washing with soap, sanitizing after touching people or surfaces, mask wearing and social distancing all play important roles in keeping our seniors safe. In this area, seniors do need guidance and reminders.


I strongly believe it is important for seniors to take good care of themselves as they grow older.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Why Are We Here and Where Are We Going?

 People often ask the questions: Why are we here and where are we going? These are the questions many of us are trying to answer at home and the office.  The COVID-19 virus has made a lot of us aware of illness and death like never before. It has literally changed our way of doing business, both now, and for the future. Remember that you never get yesterday back, and tomorrow is unknown, so you have to concentrate on what you are doing NOW.

We need to prioritize the family first. Then we need to make sure our job is not compromised and ensure we are making the the best of what the "NOW" is. At Home, school and work, we try to live by respect and a set of values. These values include being proud of your work, being kind, being honest in what you tackle and being respectful of others. Values often guide a company’s choices and the behaviors of staff and managers. These values help shape what is expected of them for the common good when their normal activities are interrupted. 

The COVID-19 virus and lock downs have hurt many of our customers and vendors. We are now required to think about how we’re going to help the recovery by working together to try to return to the normal way of life we used to have.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Work from Home or Not?

As we recover from the pandemic it is recognized that the decision to work from home was correct. 

However, companies are finding that they missed the creativity and innovation lost in the process.  We are always looking for new ideas. We now realize that keeping the many brains in a company apart is not the way to go.


Steve Job’s, Apple CEO, clearly stated that nothing clever or unique can be developed by email or iChat.  Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings and discussions.  If we lose the face-to-face interaction, we also lose the creativity.  Think why at PPiTG, we have free coffee breaks. Folks can interact with each other that might not see one another during the day.


Nothing beats eye to eye contact.  Togetherness is in our deepest nature as we get the sense of excitement and enthusiasm from others.


So, it is my belief that meeting, talking with, and being a member of a team, all help us reach a joint solution.  Satisfaction comes from being with others.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Making a Positive Difference In the World

PPi Technologies GROUP (banner name) is fast approaching its 25th year in business. We have always been fueled by the desire to make a positive difference in the world by manufacturing low energy machinery and using plastic materials to make pouches and VialPaQs that are environment-safe. We all are aware that this is now more relevant than ever before, with plastic garbage filling the oceans and countrysides, and getting a bad name in the commercial world. 

Based on the world’s leading climate science organization’s landmark report in late 2018 for the United Nations, we were warned of the urgency for fundamental environmental transformation to halt global warming including the worst effects of climate change from third world countries that have no policies to prevent harm to all of us in the next century. 

This made us think long and hard about our role in the plastic pouch world and the opportunity we have to help all the brand leaders using pouches to send the message that our S.E.C.A.M.P. approach is the end of life pouch solution. This high temperature system produces materials that can be used to make electricity and a range of by-products that can be re-used. Then at the end of that life cycle the next plasma syn gasification takes place. A continuous circle of making, using, producing energy and by-products and then more syn gasification. No land fills or oceans involved!

The challenge has been to get businesses and brand leaders to look at how to handle the challenge of collecting all garbage and sending it to the syn gasification plant. 

We all know that business has the power to change the world. It must do more than just be an engine of providing jobs, growth and financial prosperity for the few. We strongly believe every leader must ask what responsible growth looks like, and how their business can improve the way we live and work, sustain and restore natural resources, and generate value for the many, and not just the few. 

We know that business must be a force for good and we are not alone. At this moment and right in front of us there is the move by the big stores including Amazon to look for how to have a sustainable safe environmental approach to brands. The decision all leaders face today is not whether they will choose to answer the growing call of millennials, investors, customers, employees and communities demanding more of business, but rather when and how to recognize they must do more for the environment than just talk. Their brands should emphasize that they are safe and secure for the environment.

Today the world is facing the crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has created for so many. The opportunity for business to step up and do more is required. Our recently launched in2itivTM hand sanitizer program, with two special USA made applications is an example, one being the environmental safe airofil spray bottle (Spray and Sanitize) for hospitals, schools and offices and the other a gel VialPaQTM for on the go, anywhere use, when you need it (golf, tennis, camping etc.). Providing sanitizer in these novel ways is a game changer.

We are focused on helping brands through a process to deliver their greatest impact and define what growth looks like for their employees, their customers and communities. Our focus is on helping uncover opportunities and strategies to activate more brands into pouches and VialPaQsTM for relevance and to responsibly address today’s social and environmental challenges. 

With the tremendous acceleration of e-commerce and the growing digital needs of brand managers, we made the strategic decision to expand our expertise to include a compelling digital offering that ensures we can deliver a complete connected customer experience from machinery FAT, to online service trouble shooting and sales demonstrations. Over the past four months we have helped create, and have worked closely with, machinery customers to activate teams and create a comfortable culture in this new remote reality.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Man and horses…the 24 hour insect free solution and the development of an American patent

A triple crown winner is using StillTails.  In fact it seems all Calumet Farms will be—they tried it for a few days and immediately placed an order. They may also begin placing SECURE™ Zone 15 day pouches in stables as well.
We all know horses use their tales to ward off flying insects. This action has long interested scientists who know that horses can’t do this movement 24/7 so they need bug repellent help in this regard. Of course you could make a robot tail movement for the front of the stall and this probably will help as well. We decided on a chemical free bug repellent.

Our R&D Director Dr. John Harlin at my request took on the task of finding a bug solution, aptly called StillTails™. It was the first product advertised with Redi-2-DrinQ contract packing capabilities. The products first claims were for horses and dogs.
Horses swish their tails with double efficacy, scientists have learned. Their tail hairs strike insects that have landed with amazing precision. Meanwhile, their swishes create a blowing wind speed that’s just right for upsetting mosquitoes’ flight patterns.

It’s a fascinating biological design that could lead to chemical-free insect management technology, for both horses and humans, in the near future, said Marguerite E. Matherne, BSc, of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Mechanical Engineering, in Atlanta.

“Most people who are familiar with horses would think it’s obvious that their tails are used for shooing away insects,” Matherne said. “What we did in this study is prove that the tail does indeed repel insects, and we explained how it does this: through swishing, which can blow away mosquitoes, and through swatting, which directly targets the insects that manage to land.”

They found that the tail swing is like a gravity-based pendulum (like in a grandfather clock), but with three times the frequency and 27 times the required energy to create the swing, Matherne said. That creates a wind speed of about 1 meter/second, which is approximately the speed of a mosquito in flight. Such a blow would prevent up to half of the mosquitoes from being able to land in the first place, she said.

Meanwhile, the whip effect occurs in three steps: a powerful force from the base of the tail, a sudden stop of that movement, and a return to the original position to prepare for the next swing, Matherne said. It’s like using a softball bat—swinging but then stopping the swing so the bat doesn’t go flying out of the hand, and then bringing it back up again, she added.

“If a horse swished its tail much faster, it could likely repel all of the insects, but it would have to use so much energy to do this that it would not be sustainable,” Matherne said. “So it’s a trade-off between repelling as many insects as possible and not wasting too much energy on the process.

This also highlights the welfare aspects of exposing horses to large numbers of flying insects, she added. “It certainly is immensely bothersome to the horses and a drain on their energy,” she said.

“If the tail is deadened, then it will definitely not be able to move as quickly as it needs to,” she said. “With a deadened tail, it is very important that additional measures, such as insect repellent spray, are taken to help keep biting insects away from the horse.”

“We should certainly do everything we can to help protect the horses from biting insects, because we’ve seen from this study that their tails are not 100% effective, and protecting them from biting insects protects them from disease and general irritation,” she said. This led to the development of the StillTails formula in a spray bottle. It was tested on horses in Lakewood Ranch and proved to be an incredible 24 hour peaceful  solution for them. It was later tested in Saudi Arabia on camels with the same effect. Animals liked it and did not fear the application either by spray or wipe on with a cloth.

This illustrates one of the many the technology paths taken by the Penta5usa team to reach a chemical 25b solution for their products offered to the public. Following this project the outstanding ANYTIME no-bite mosquito 6 hour repellent lotions were developed.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Decisions for the Future and Impact

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” I trust he was right, and it does not turn back. The China virus decisions we make today will no doubt forever affect future generations.

Imagine what the future holds for us with all the new technologies and the many effects they will have on our lives. How are we connected to each other and the office? The present edict of stay at home has had some interesting side news. One, the sky over China has never been cleaner. The second is the reduction in gasoline purchases reflected in low prices; and clean air has made us aware of electric vehicles. Maybe we have a chance for more ‘people transport’ opportunities and will be able to address future climate concerns.

As a pouch making machine manufacturer, we are of course interested in the after life of the pouch. We have the choices of landfill [a big no no for our grand kids to solve], or for waste to energy plants which are a partial solution to the handling of garbage. The new and real solution for our future is the use of the syn gasification plasma plants that produce energy from household garbage. Energy can be created from processing the plastic waste on land and from the ocean.

Looking ahead to the future, 8 billion more folks are forecast to be on this planet in the next 10 years. It will become more and more crowded, we will be closely connected physically and will have to treat each other with more consideration.

Whether you’re a partner, friend, parent, leader, teacher, politician or a combination thereof, you will be called to show up and do more good to help fuel a better version of the world we live in. As Gandhi so eloquently said, “You will find yourself if you lose yourself in the service of others.”

Envision us making in2itiv™ hand sanitizer for this last month and how your efforts helped the lives of others and the world we live in. When I think about where we can do more good in the future, the following are my ideas:

Let’s work together and embrace the strengths of our differences to build a fairer, safer, more prosperous future for the next generation.

Become a connected community on a mission focused on positive change, no matter the issue. It has proven time and time again that when passionate people work together they bring back light where darkness temporarily has taken hold. We must show and demonstrate more care and concern for the suffering and misfortunes of the elderly who are most impacted by the China virus crisis.

Friday, May 1, 2020

A Brand With a Conscience!

This month, we are facing a pandemic the likes of which many of us have never seen before.

The spotlight is on contact with customers through social network platforms. So our salesmen, and their prospective customers, are spending more time on these web platforms than ever before. Video demonstrations, phone calls and virtual meetings are now the norm.

Much of this is a result of shelter-in-place orders, or the shift from on-site office presence to remote, work-from-home situations.

We are very aware that as more consumers and other business stakeholders scroll through social web sites that there’s little room for missteps.

Before you start social posting, interaction and engagement, there are a few things that you need to know about your brand, and social media, in the time of the novel coronavirus.

Consumers are looking to brands to showcase their values and beliefs.

Please remember that Accenture found in a 2018 study that brands that did demonstrate meaningful, authentic and thoughtful core brand values were more successful than those that didn’t. Of the massive group of 30,000 consumer survey participants, 62% said they appreciate when brands take a stand on relevant issues, and the same percentage agreed that their purchasing decisions could be influenced by a brand’s ethical values and level of authenticity.

Brands can take this opportunity to adjust their social strategy, and provide social content that will help their brand image, but also help their audience get through this trying, unusual and sometimes frightening time.

About two thirds of the American public is already turning to social media as a leading source of news. We would bet good money that percentage has increased during the new stay-at-home normal. This means that the following that your brand has already built will be looking to social, not only for news about what’s going on amid the coronavirus outbreak, but also what brands are doing in response.

So in our case we are using our Redi-2-DrinQ liquor license and making FDA approved hand sanitizer called in2itiv™. We are supplying emergency services, municipalities and hospitals. We are also donating hand sanitizer to local police, churches, schools and missions. 

A brand with a conscience!
Take care, wash hands frequently and sanitize.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


The world is now reaching one of its most critical times in human history. Focus is on all governments showing concern about the spread of the Coronavirus and how to prevent a nationwide, or global crisis. 

They do not seem to have the ability, or desire, to set a clear vision for the future. They are not operating as responsible stewards of humans' lives, or showing concern on the possible impact of the Coronavirus on the world. This is a zoonotic disease (infection between animals and humans). 

The pharmaceutical industry, and the people who lead these companies need to step up. They need to do more testing and innovate safely and quickly for a worldwide solution for both people and the planet. This is no time to be political. However, they do need to reconsider reducing the amount of key components in the USA drug medicines made outside North America. This is really a huge risk for the nation.

The medical team leaders are seeking to understand how the Coronavirus is transmitted to prevent a major crisis. Business wise we have to continue and ensure our staff and brands are safe and that we play a more meaningful role in the world to improve overall business performance. We need to offer security to all concerned that our products will not harm them. It will take China, and products produced there, a long time to recover from this virus.

It is essential that everything possible is done and is supported by the population to ensure our overall safety, and product safety.

If you define your revised business program because of the Coronavirus, plan with it in mind, measure your actions, and your performance against it. 

We need more videos, less people contact, and social media to touch lives daily. We need to let the customer know we are out there to help and support any program.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes as they visit both humans and animals. Take care.

Monday, March 2, 2020

No More Landfills!

Here we are, hopefully charging into a new decade. Starting off the new year is always invigorating after the Christmas / New Year break. The mind is reset and should focus on what we can change in the year ahead. However, the start of a new decade should be different, it is much bigger than the start of a new year. It holds the promise of a whole new chapter for you and deserves more than a few individual resolutions. It represents a marker in your history where, with your help, we all work together to build a better future.

Recently we had the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and recall what he said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” I hope he is right, the decisions we make today will forever affect the future.

Imagine trying to think what could be in the next decade ahead, it may likely be one of the most formative in human history. It is enough to make your head spin. so no predictions here about the radically transformational impact that the continuous onslaught of new technologies will have on every aspect of how we experience a more connected life. No prediction here, but there is a challenge to every leader in a position of responsibility—rally to address the urgency with which we all need to adapt to address the climate and plastic garbage emergencies.

More humans will join our global family and the planet will become more and more crowded. We will be more interdependent and connected physically and be under greater pressure to show up and treat each other with more consideration and care. Success will be measured by whether we have done significantly more good and a lot less harm to the world. Driving responsible growth and progress has me energized and motivated to be a part of creating a brighter future for those who follow. A future where the connected human experience is well-balanced and combined with the power of technology and science to transform how we live for the better and stop creating landfills.

We hopefully will become a connected, purpose-driven community on a mission focused on positive change to handle energy supplies and introduce PLASMA gasification for garbage. When passionate people work together they bring back light where darkness temporarily has taken hold, and together they bend the arc of history back toward the good.

It is time for radical innovation and a switch to new solutions to create a planet without a garbage problem and a thriving economy. Look at Tesla’s market capitalization recently for a nod toward how bold energy moves pay off.

As Americans, we must demand a clear and compelling long-term energy (and no landfill) vision for where we are going, not just for 2021 but for 2050. We don't need a concept statement intended to rally a base, but a vision that inspires and brings us together, one that informs the mission and creates strategies. It’s time to stop short-term thinking and plan for a better, no land fill future. Obviously we can expect very little direction from our leaders so we need to demand what we want.

I hope that after reading the above ideas you step back and intentionally commit to creating your own DO MORE list. As a group, our actions will make a material difference to the lives of others. We will create less garbage, more PLASMA gasification, added energy, and no more garbage landfills.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Values For The New year

As we move forward in another new year—and this time around, a new decade—many of us will emerge from the daze of the holidays and start thinking about the year ahead.

Remember the start of the year is a great time for reflection, planning and goal-setting. It may be a cliché and a marketing tool, but the idea of a New Year and a New You holds a lot of promise. It’s a fresh start, a reset, an opportunity for change—it’s all new. 

As we embrace this mindset of newness and change, many will hopefully sit down to create a list of New Year’s Resolutions. We’ve probably all been there. Fitness, finance, diet, career, skills, travel and wellness are among the themes that people turn to most often.

However, what about learning a new language, drink less sugar based soft drinks, read at least a book a month, join a gym or do the Company run/walk every week of winter, be kinder to your friends and of course family? All of those are virtuous pursuits that would likely change your life for the better. 

So, why are they so hard to follow through with? Why do, according to U.S. News and World Report, nearly 80% of resolutions get dropped by February? One of the reasons I’d submit is this: when we resolve to eat more vegetables, or take up cycling, or write more letters, why we’re doing it isn’t always apparent. And when we don’t have a purpose, or a why, behind our actions, there isn’t much of a foundation to inspire us to do things consistently over time. Sorry, basically you, and only you are to blame for forgetting those resolutions.

This year, I encourage you to try something different. Instead of making that list of resolutions and weighing yourself down with a bunch of I should, and I could statements that you will be struggling to maintain come March, consider shifting your attention towards why. Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, try refreshing your values for the New Year. 

Instead of just having a laundry list of things to do, create a clear and purposeful set of reasons behind doing them. As an individual, clarifying your values can be just as powerful for your personal life, giving meaning to what you choose to do and how you choose to do it. And as you enter another year, having a renewed connection to your values can also lead to real changes that stick with you well past Spring. 

Ready to ditch the resolutions and get started on values? Most importantly, make sure that your values: 
Resonate with you personally
Support your purpose 
Inspire action

Happy New Year and much success!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Six needs that people want satisfied when internet shopping

People go on the internet with intent to find something. The things people search for, and the sites they visit, are reshaping marketing. Marketers can now sift through important data from all of their visitors. This data can help predict consumer intent. 

Clearly, folks want or need something. Marketers all know consumers have six needs to be met. They want to be surprised, reassured, educated, helped, thrilled and impressed. These needs are determined by emotional, functional, and social behavior. 

So what pouch machine will run green sustainable materials? Several of the six needs are used to reach a decision. 

This means that how we market on the web should answer each of these needs. It is no longer speed, flexibility and money. It is more about feeling good. Here is an example:our new pouch machine saves energy, uses light gauge material, produces  less waste, and runs with sustainable film. These points need to be in the website advertisement to help people make the right choice. 

You have a greater chance of influencing their decision, and ultimately winning the sale, by focusing search strategy on satisfying people’s needs. 

All quotations need to cover the six needs in a subtle manner.