Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome, Generation G!

Following up on our story last year about being wired or now more commonly referred to as being part of the online social networking revolution we introduce Generation G.

Brand Managers take note: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Digg, QZone from China, Hulu online video and LinkedIn operate freely disseminating and exchanging views, and videos as well as good and bad news 24/7.

Today's old fashioned Brand Managers want to maintain contact with Generation Y (born between 1970's and late 80's so 21 plus age group) and feel comfortable. Boring....

Modern Brand Managers spend all their time online trying to reach Generation Z, born After 1990 who hardly use email and are our future market. Remember 30% of bloggers post opinions about products and brands. Tweets on cell phones are real time and imagine a bad customer experience!

Advertisements are no longer trusted with 70% preferring peer recommendations. Good bye newspapers....

The new revolution is that in the future the news will FIND the consumers. That's the ShotPak® model.

We try to be everywhere we can in the 12 states and export markets we sell in. Our goal is to send out good vibe video and happy pictures of our customers enjoying the product.

Our plan is simple and shows small down-town store promotions in Northern California to huge turnouts on San Diego beaches, we have consumers enjoying our ready-to-drink products.

In the center of the country we have our band Early Pearl performing in rural towns and in Tennessee we are at all the street summer parties. What are we learning from this is that from the barrier islands in Texas to small island bars in Ohio and the sunny beaches of Florida the message is clear, ShotPak® is a fun easy to socialize product. Now in Jamaica it is becoming the drink of the bars. One advertisement is not responsible for this growth but the world wide web social networks. Amazing and powerful. We recognize the need for over 21 support and diligently follow this requirement.

Now by year end we will offer 10 cocktails, plus 6 Premium drinks in the Near Year with Vodka energy and first time ever Tequila caffeine Buzz-A-Rita's including the recently unbanned Absinthe products. More variety and easier socializing. One of the tweets said the other day stated "these are not your father's drinks". Nice words, but explains the need to try them.

Let this message go out to consumers tired of the bottle and the old fashioned distribution methods.

This is an appropriate time to introduce you to Generation G.

They are disgusted with greed and current consequences for the economy. They are looking for companies that care. They like our Safe, Secure and Social ShotPak® message with a single six-pack sale and not a bottle. This Generation G is an online fueled culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers. In fact the message is clear and the new status symbol has replaced 'taking' with 'sharing a passion' and receiving recognition.

They don't want to drink all night, they don't want bottles of the same liquor, and they want environmental friendly American products. This extends to their car choices, no dependence on oil from foreigners, and this product list goes on. Unsure about this change and if it is happening just talk to the cola companies, look at Seattle coffee shops, and what burger chain is growing and their all new menu. The list goes on.

Remember you read it here first, our PPiTechGroup machinery and FlexSource USA pouch group have altered their selling modes, our BPG ShotPak® retail products group have all recognized this societal/behavioral shift and we no longer push devotion to the company, but to the consumer needs they require from a brand.

Change; recognize you can't do it the old way. Welcome Generation G.

We are ready.

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