Thursday, December 16, 2010

Green Packaging and
Automatic Machinery for 2011

As we end the year, we hope many ShotPak® SHOTs are part of your relaxing moments and let's contemplate an acronym for SHOT:

S = Spirit. We use the best available spirits in all our products. Our products can be enjoyed anytime including being the happy spirit for the occasion.

H = Health. We strongly suggest embracing our "Drink Responsibly" slogan and the lower alcohol contents in our cocktails means you can enjoy without over indulgence

O = Opportunity. Our StandUp pouch suggest you "Drink Different". The pouch can be taken anywhere for enjoyment meaning new opportunities to enjoy your favorite 10 products

T = Teamwork. Nothing is more satisfying than being part of a successful organization, or watching a colleague's recognition. Celebrate with a ShotPak®.

We have spent a lot of time in the past two years talking about green packaging. We are very proud that our StandUp pouch that is a true "Oil to Oil" product and never has to go into the landfill if handled correctly in the waste chain. Incineration produces reclaimable energy. The pouch is made from oil products and when incinerated produces energy.

Developing a sustainable brand package takes much more than the efforts of a single visionary. It takes a team of visionaries. We have had to make sure that all who handle our pouch recognize it as a true green package. This means telling all who ask that this is a Zero Land Fill package. By definition a different package made by responsible people.

Our PGS machinery group is driven by the same passion to supply machines that think for themselves. They identify errors and we can communicate with them from our corporate headquarters in Sarasota, FL and suggest solutions at the customer's facility. We offer intelligent Smart Machinery for busy production people. In the future, the machines will become more and more automated leaving the operator to concentrate on what is key -- the product -- and ensuring it is packed fresh, consistent and ready to enjoy in our Zero Landfill pouches.

Enjoy Shotsational Holidays from all of us at PPi Technologies GROUP.

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