Friday, February 1, 2019

How to be successful on your next sales call

In the world of sales, the fact checkers know all about you and your products before you arrive. That means you have to ensure you have all the unique selling points ready to say why us and not the competitor! In your presentation you need to leave a silent message that your company offers the best solution. To do so you have to show examples of successes with your product. Case histories and references go a long way.

Make sure you understand the business of your competitors. When the opportunity arises during your presentation, discuss advantages of becoming a future customer. You need to create an immense vertical filing cabinet in your brain consisting of layers and layers of information that you can call on during your presentation.

There is a risk of finding out of date information about your customers from the web. If you are not up to date about your customer, you run into many risks with your sale. Expiring information is often in publications and lacks current details. Be careful as this information may not be relevant in a month, or a year. A good sales presentation must be up to date on facts. An effective sales presentation will include your own thinking and research, along with details that summarize the offer.

Having relevant the information will be a great advantage to you. Remember that retrieving information is different from having it already in your head. The internet is wonderful for being able to retrieve and get information, but not always accurate, or up to date. Do your homework and fact checking ahead of time.

You should be different. You should work on manipulating how you use your information.

The lesson is that learning and making yourself as smart as you can is extremely valid. Do not just rely on the internet for information, but use other factual sources also. You are going to need all types of information to close the sale.

While looking at your next planned sales call, consider this question: Are you focused enough on the products in order to build cumulative knowledge, or are you too spread out, which in the end will likely reduce the chance of gaining a new customer?

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