Monday, July 1, 2019

Remote Access Cybersecurity

We employ technology to help run our machinery, liquor distribution and wellness businesses. We rely on technology suppliers, OEM’s and system integrators to get everything to work safely and correctly. 

This means they have to access equipment remotely which creates an open access point on our network. This can also possibly create a cyber security vulnerability. 

Having had two major cyber attacks on our system (we had protection) in recent weeks we now have to take the stance of not trusting anybody. 

Cyber security is a multidimensional concept and we protect our firewall at all times. 

Sometimes these support houses, and even our staff, take a shortcut into the system, which could open the door to hackers. A further risk for the company is someone plugging a USB drive into a computer, which unbeknownst to them, has malware on it. 

The rules of access for all of us to follow are:

  1. Limit access to only one area at a time and check that supplier has not been compromised. 
  2. Be careful not to take computers plugged into the system unto the factory floor, bypassing sign in procedures for this area. 
  3. Check on remote access staff that they have not been compromised. 
  4. Remote access is the weak point. Check and check again. 
  5. Enforce remote entry policy and do not allow it to be circumvented. 

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