Monday, December 2, 2019

Advertise the Brand as Human, and Not a Logo!

All day long we hear and read, or take notes from some social platform. We are inundated with emails, texts and video. Nothing is being marketed like it was just five years ago. For some people, social media is just a source of entertainment. However, for marketers and entrepreneurs, it can be a source of game-changing opportunities to sell products and present information via video that print could never do.

Brand managers are learning that with this new medium you have to be open, honest, vulnerable, and other words, human. If you act like a big corporation and less like an understanding human with reasons to buy and use the the product, you will quickly lose the audience. I’ve come to realize that the more brands focus on acting like a human rather than sounding like a corporation, the better traction they generally get online.

If your brand is faltering and no longer making waves by hiding behind a logo and some corporate jargon, you will see sales disappear. The brands that succeed are the ones that put a face to the brand and communicate like a real person.

If you want to turn your brand around and reclaim engagement with your potential audience and customers, you need to become a digital warrior. In other words, you’re not going to win if you tweet out a few links. You need to be proactive, reach out directly to customers to engage in genuine conversations, and even go after inferior competitors if the opportunity presents itself. Tell it like it is. For example with mosquito no-bite repellant, our ANYTIME™ brand guarantees 6 hours of protection and the competition for some hours. Tell folks the difference and the risks involved. Watch your brand grow.

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