Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Importance of Small Companies

Few people realize that more than 45% of private sector business is in the hands of small companies.

One of the benefits of small companies is innovation -- that’s when outrageous concepts are easily introduced. These are usually untested entrepreneurial ideas, but they can be brought quickly to the market place and abandoned just as fast.

This month, our PGS machinery business has introduced a range of high speed systems from SN Machinery for spout fitment applications. Since 2009 SN Machinery has led the spout fitment market segment with the introduction of a 500 form-fill-seal pouch per minute spout fitment line.

Alongside this new SN Machinery technology, Nishibe has developed a premade StandUp pouch-making machine that operates at 1000 pouches per minute.

Both developments have come from small family businesses and both use patents from (PPiTG) PouchPac™ Innovations.

Pouches are recognized today as having a positive zero carbon dioxide footprint benefit when incinerated.

The Redi-2-DrinQ ShotPaQ™ Group has introduced from VinoPaQ™ a 3 liter BarrelPaQ™ patented StandUp pouch with tap for a new range of dry red Zambezi™ and white De Moravia™ wines from South Africa.

Alongside these pouches and just in time for summer, R2D ShotPak® has launched 10 x 50ml Redi-2-DrinQ spirit cocktails in a PartyPaQ™.It takes small companies to get things moving and then the consumers take over.

Cheers and enjoy a glorious summer.

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